Wilson System

he Wilson Reading System® (WRS) is the flagship program of Wilson Language Training® and the foundation of all other Wilson programs. WRS is an intensive Tier 3 program for students in grades 2-12 and adults with word-level deficits who are not making sufficient progress through their current intervention; have been unable to learn with other teaching strategies and require multisensory language instruction; or who require more intensive structured literacy instruction due to a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia.
As a structured literacy program based on phonological-coding research and Orton-Gillingham principles, WRS directly and systematically teaches the structure of the English language. Through the program, students learn fluent decoding and encoding skills to the level of mastery. From the beginning Steps of the program, students receive instruction in:
Word structure (in depth) for automatic decoding and spelling
Word recognition and spelling of high frequency words, including irregular words
Vocabulary, word understanding, and word-learning skills
Sentence-level text reading with ease, expression, and understanding
Listening comprehension with age-appropriate narrative and informational text
Reading comprehension with narrative and expository text of increasing levels of difficulty
Narrative and informational text structures
Organization of information for oral or written expression
Proofreading skills
Self-monitoring for word recognition accuracy and comprehension

Ortan-Gillingham influenced one-to-one phonics instruction, in-person or remote.